Master Data Management

Bring data together from across the enterprise and business ecosystem to create a single, accurate and transparent record of truth.


Building a core process for managing, centralizing, organizing, categorizing, localizing, synchronizing, and enriching master data according to business rules takes time and planning. Master Data Management (MDM) can take the form of product, customer, supplier, location, and asset information. Our solutions connect, master, and share data from all systems, including ERP, CRM, ecommerce, and more.

Organizations can benefit enormously from a combination of structured MDM domains that are informed by the predictive and analytical capabilities of big data.

Master Data Management Features

360° view

Barrier to Successful Master Data Management

Multiple versions of data sources used within and outside the organization. Because data is maintained in unconnected (legacy) systems, this leads to duplicates, errors, and inefficiency

Data Quality

Inconsistent, incomplete, and erroneous data used throughout the business and pushed to different channels. Unstructured data can complicate or even block entry to new channels and marketplaces

Resulting from manual entry and low-quality data sources. These end up in all channels ranging from ERP and CRM to catalogues and the web portal

Data Syndication

Lack of control of what data is being pushed to what channel, resulting in product data that may differ per retailer or partner

In data, not knowing which elements of data are outdated or incorrect. Throughout the lifecycle of products, traceability is low

Customer Experience

Inconsistent customer interactions due to a lack of complete and consistent master data. Creating an omnichannel experience is impossible

Without a centralized system for data, data governance is next to impossible. This prevents organizations from fully meeting regulatory compliance and safety

Service Offerings

Our Master Data Management Excellence Center enables our customers with harmonized master data ensures cross-system data consistency.

Customer 360

Unify customer data, delivering insights into prospects and customers.

Product 360

Unify complex product content across various distribution channels.

Supplier 360

Deliver vendor and supplier information with a single, trusted data source.

Finance 360

Deliver cloud-native finance data, combining MDM and AI-powered automation.

Multidomain MDM

An all-in-one Master Data Management solution.

Multi Domain MDM

A single end-to-end platform for all critical business needs.

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